Cinderella’s Ball Movie Screening
March 14, 2015
Celebration Cinema North
Thanks to all of the Dads and daughters who came out to The Cinderella Ball at Celebration Cinema. The party, the food, meeting Cinderella & the Stepsisters, and watching the brand new Cinderella movie made for a great daddy daughter date night! We were proud to partner with Celebration Cinema and Channel 95.7 for this evening. Check out the pictures and don’t forget to come out to our next event!
Celebration Cinema North
Thanks to all of the Dads and daughters who came out to The Cinderella Ball at Celebration Cinema. The party, the food, meeting Cinderella & the Stepsisters, and watching the brand new Cinderella movie made for a great daddy daughter date night! We were proud to partner with Celebration Cinema and Channel 95.7 for this evening. Check out the pictures and don’t forget to come out to our next event!