Daddy Daughter Time is once again getting together to do something special for the Moms! This year we're hosting an "Origami for Mommy" event where Dads and daughters can work together to make some pretty heart shaped boxes and flowers from paper to give to their Moms for Mother's Day! We'll be meeting at the Wave Room at Celebration Cinema North on Sunday, April 23 at 2 p.m. There an instructor will lead us step-by-step through the folding process. Once complete, each daughter will have two or more origami presents to give to Mom. Snacks and bottled water will be provided. PRE-REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED. Please CLICK THIS LINK to register for the event. Tickets are $12 per person or if you're a Daddy Daughter Time member, it's FREE. Not a member? You can join today and get 12 events for one price for both you and your daughter starting at $99. All those attending agree to adhere to Daddy Daughter Time's Code of Conduct. Comments are closed.